What a fabulous, joyful last class of Term 1!!!
Thank you so so much to all those class members who sent us in Christmassy photos of themselves! As Mary says “You are all amazing!!”.
What a fabulous, joyful last class of Term 1!!!
Thank you so so much to all those class members who sent us in Christmassy photos of themselves! As Mary says “You are all amazing!!”.
Some of our class members are happily tuning into our Tuesday Webinar class!!!
We are so excited to return to classes this week (albeit in a different format).
For those of you who have already signed up, please watch your email Monday and Tuesday for instructions on our virtual class.
For anyone who still wants to sign up, it’s not too late, we welcome you all new and returning members, please click here !!
Only 1 week to go to our virtual classes….we are so looking forward to having everyone back singing albeit in a different format (for now!!). If you haven’t already signed up, you can click here to make your payment.
Only 2 weeks to go to our virtual online classes! We are so excited to be back (albeit in a different format) and can’t wait to get back to what we do best – making an extraordinary sound. Click here to make a payment for your online virtual class!
Another year begins! The team are hopeful moving forward for a brighter future and we hope you and your families have all stayed safe and well during recent times.
Obviously, the most important consideration for us is the health and safety of our team and our class members and as such the only safe way to reopen for the September term is as a hybrid virtual/live singing class which will open week of September 21st 2020.
Our payment system is now live. If you are a returning member click here to make your payment. If you are a new member and interested in joining our classes, please contact the office on 087 967 6351 or 613 9261.
Hi everyone
Please click here to access a letter to all Class Members (6th May 2020)
CÓRus Team
Some members have been very busy composing some uplifting poetry during this time of crisis. Have a look below for a performance by Karen and Fiona of a lovely, uplifting piece of writing sent in to us by Christine one of our Cabinteely members! Thank you Christine!
Classes are back in full swing for Term 3 with lots of new songs to look forward to!!!